Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Another couple of good weekends of sailing.  The first weekend I overnighted at the White Islands again.  This was the site of a previous anchoring saga, but I learned from previous experiences and my new mantus mega anchor held solid.  It looks like a huge oversize chunk of iron on my bow, but it has not moved an inch in the 6-7 times I've anchored with it.  See the pictures below.  I also like the fact that the mantus can be taken apart.  I'm thinking about buying a smaller one for a stern anchor that can be stored.

After the White islands I went south and east, then north to ultimately sail around the islands.

I also put up the spinnaker one day.  It was a light wind day, and I had some trouble with the setup.  The snuffer line was tangled the first time I hoisted it, but after a quick straightening everything worked out fine and I was able to make 3-4 knots in 6-8 knots of wind.  I think I would like one of the top down furlers.  It seems easier than the snuffer, but I think it would also take a pole or extension on the bow. With the big anchor up front, I'm worried about the tack gettign tangled in the hoop around the anchor.

The Chute is up, I think I could have pulled the snuffer up a little further.

The New York Yacht club was having a race / regatta thing in the area.  Lots of sailboats and lots of mega yachts.

From my anchorage in Pulpit harbor on the second night out one weekend.  I sailed around the islands and back to rock land.  Pulpit is nice because it is a short hop back to the dock on Sunday morning.

Lots of wild life and lots of lobster pots.  I did pick one up and had to cut it off with the hook knife.

At anchor in Home Harbor, it is a little south of Rockland.  

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Home Harbor

I made it out two weekends ago and overnighted in Home Harbor.  It is a little place off the islands to the south of Rockland.  It is a rolly anchorage as it is only protected on 3 sides and some waves make there way in.  It is a pretty spot, with a few houses on the islands around.  I made a few loops to check out the anchorage when I came in to look for low spots or boulders.  It looked OK on the depth sounder, but when I woke up in the AM the low tide was showing a few rocks about 15 feet off my stern.  My new anchor held fine.  The fog came in and I could only see about 30 feet for most of the morning, so I waited until the fog lifter at about noon to head back to port.  It was a nice outing.


Rocks a little closer than I thought when I woke up...

I actually cooked dinner, spuds, eggs, hot sauce and beer..

This was about 11 AM, the fog came and went all morning...
The purple dropped pin is where I anchored.

The following weekend my parents came to Rockland.  It was lobster fest so we had some nice meals and sailed over to Northhaven.  It was  a great day and the wind was perfect to have the parents on the boat.  (Not too wild, but not too slow)